Season Closing Portes Melathron Staff Party

We proudly say another “farewell” this year till next spring.

This year we were honored to see our team feel more psychologically attached and emotionally engaged with the organization, they feel part of it in a way that increases not only their sense of responsibility but also their love for it. This year we were delighted to see our hotels gets their culture equation right and excellent. This year we were elated to see the sophisticated talents of Pomegranate Wellness Spa Hotel and Potidea Palace Hotel to be prewired to be accountable and passionate since passion is a quality that cannot be taught or trained. Passion solely can be brought; it is inborn, innate, inherently-built and visceral, it arouses people emotionally and it arouses the essence of the hospitality itself. This year we were pleased to see our people being authentic as “ideally, people in the service industry should not act one way with customers and a different way behind the scenes” (Hoffman, 2014).

organizational culture staff party- Portes Melathron

Moreover, this year we were proud to see our team, congruently with the hotels’ flatter organizational culture, operate in teams (the business goal is achieved through collaboration) rather than in groups (the business goal is achieved through execution). This year we were excited to see our team generate joy, community, empathy and rapport. This year we were pleased to see our team step out of their normal role to give assistance to their teammates. This year we were immensely happy to see a peer- driven culture and approach and an environment of teamwork where collegiality, peer coaching, knowledge sharing, trust relationships, collaborative culture, social togetherness and the sense of belonging have permeated the organizational life of our hotels. This year we were thrilled to see some of the most beautiful guest- staff stories being added to our story bank.

All these qualities were celebrated on the 22nd of October in our annual season closing Portes Melathron staff party Portes Melathron is the company behind the administration of Pomegranate Wellness Spa Hotel and Potidea Palace Hotel. After an award ceremony in which our team members were recognized for the exceptional guest service that they extended, a formal dinner had been prepared for them.

Over and above, this year it was evinced that “missions are at their best when they are guided by a vision, an almost impossible dream” and such a mission hospitality is.

Portes Melathron Staff Party

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