- We speak coherently, clearly and we do not use slang. In that vein, we use words commensurate with the hospitality we create. “Luxury, indulgence, relaxation, welcome, care” are some of our favorites.
- Maintaining eye contact is the holy grail of our non-linguistic communication. Besides, the gestural, paralinguistic and non-verbal cues are always enforcers of the verbal responses in our interaction with guests.
- Our hospitality has grown besotted with the Greek culture of hospitality and benevolent smile. This cultural trait is further reinforced by the 10 and 5 Staff Rule that we have embraced. This prescribes that whenever a guest “is within ten feet of a staff member, the staff member should make eye contact and warmly smile to acknowledge the oncoming guests. When a staff member is approximately five feet from a guest, a sincere greeting or friendly gesture of acknowledgment should accompany the eye contact and smile.” (coylehospitality.com, n.d.).
- We embrace diversity. As far as the challenges of the diversity management for the tourism and hospitality sector are concerned, tourism and hospitality are an inherently people–centered industry in which employees are the cardinal resource and wealth (Kramer, 2014). Moreover, “travelers represent a culturally diverse pool of potential customers” (Mullins and Dossor, 2014) and the workforce should be aligned with this reality -if not, the robust customer- employees’ relationships might be jeopardized (Mullins and Dossor, 2014). In view of this fact, cultural diversity is highlighted as a competitive advantage of major importance and the company needs to engineer its diversity gene pool to cascade excellence and achieve the welfare among the employees within the organization as well as the welfare in the employee-customer relationships.
- We never fold our arms, and we walk at even pace with the guest when we accompany him.

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